Let me be frank with you, I pity you. you are this broken up guy always whining and complaining and now you say you wanna hide away in that (snigger's) stupid dark lonely cave of yours. Stop being stupid, you know you aren't the only one with the problems, just be a man and face them. Do you think that you can hide from all of it if you stay in there closing your eyes shut. Hah you are just avoiding it, you know what no matter how much you run away you are just avoiding the inevitable, when you come outside out of that stupid cave of your's all your problems would just be at your doorstep so why don't you just face them. its not so hard you know, there are people out there who would help you, you just don't want to accept that, you think you are alone, is that what this is about..come on grow up you idiotic moron, I knew that you were a bit loose in the head but I never new that you were that STUPID. cant you just see them, look around just open that eyes of your and just look, see how they are worrying about you and you are just brushing them off. you are really stupid you know. Really stupid, i don't know why I am even trying to help you, you who is hurting the ones who care for you. I wonder why they are even there. You arent worth their worry do you know that.aargghhh I just feel like beating some sense into you...did you ever wonder how they would feel? did you ever really thought about that? are you really that stupid.duhh...why do you keep telling yourself that you deserve to be alone? You don't have to cry? how can you even say that?..how do you know? you psychic???..hah hah...great this is so great so how about telling me what I deserve and while you are at it how about a lil about my future..This is hilarious...Tell you what.fun aside...Just come out and be with your friends and family, you would love that you know. Its for your own good. I hate to see you being this way. see I care about you too and it pains to see you being so hard on yourself, you cant cry on your own shoulders and you cant be your best friend...and yeah we need you too.. we are here to help you, share everything...enjoy things together..so friend just smile and keep on going, dont let your problems take away your happiness or don't let them get in the way, just solve them with help from others and move on, cox life's too short to be wasted like that...
Thank you
your's truly
Credits Image from here
Thank you
your's truly
Credits Image from here
whoa... that was... a bit harsh i dunt even know what to say....
hold on there.. u wud find ur hope and hapiness soon...jst have faith! specially in u!
I-kko: well thats exactly me, I alwys am that harsh when very rude too when i am angry..heh
looks like ur friend is a whiner. i hate whiners. i always find it more effective when i say it to the face of a whiner.
did i mention i hate whiners?
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